Recently, Springer has published a book entitled “Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources” edited by Profs.Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr.,Xinhua Qi, Springer, Hardcover ISBN 978-94-017-7329-4, 368 pages, 2015. (
As a clean energy carrier with high energy capacity, hydrogen has the potential to supplement or replace traditional fossil fuels in the near future. The use of renewable biomass resources for hydrogen production is receiving a lot of attention as a innovative and robust processes continue to demonstrate hydrogen production from many types of biomass substrates. The present text provides state-of-the-art reviews, current research and prospects of producing hydrogen by fermentation, electrochemical, bioelectrochemical, gasification, pyrolysis and solar techniques from many possible biomass resources. Hydrogen separation, storage and applications are also covered.
This book contains 12 chapters contributed by leading experts in the field. The text is arranged into four key areas:
Part I:Bioconversion (Chapters 1-3)
Part II:Thermoconversion (Chapters 4-7)
Part III:Electrochemical and Solar Conversions (Chapters 8-10)
Part IV:Separations and Applications with Fuel Cells (Chapters 11-12)
This book reviews current research and prospects of producing hydrogen by bio, thermal and electrochemical methods. Hydrogen separation, storage and applications are also covered. The text should be of interest to students, researchers, academicians and industrialists in the areas of energy, environmental and chemical sciences, engineering, resource development, biomass processing, sustainability and the hydrogen economy.
This book is the fifth book of the Springer series entitled, “Biofuels and Biorefineries” (Prof. Zhen Fang is serving as editor-in-Chief), and the twelfth English book published by Prof. Zhen Fang since 2009.
由方真研究员、Richard L. Smith Jr.和Xinhua Qi教授主编的新书《Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources》,最近由斯普林格公司出版发行。(精装,368页,ISBN 978-94-017-7329-4, (,2015)。
该书是斯普林格系列丛书“生物燃料和生物炼制”( 方真研究员担任该丛书总编辑)出版的第五本专著,也是方真研究员自2009年以来,编著出版的第十二部英语专著。