Congratulations to Ms WU for the succesful defence her dissertation
Ms Xuehua WU, a joint training PhD student of Kunming University of Science and Technology and Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences), co-supervised by Prof. Hua WANG and Prof. Zhen FANG has succesfully passed her defence of dissertation on 4th May 2015.
She has successfully defended her thesis entitled “carbon-based solid acid and magnetic solid base catalyzed in biodiesl production fromJatrophaoil” while the committee suggested that Kunming University of Science and Technology to award her a doctorate degree in Engineering , according to relevant authorities and subjected to regulations.
During her PhD studies, she underwent 4 years (2011-2015) of training and carried out her research project in our biomass lab. She managed to complete four research papers and one international conference paper.
Once again, Congratulations to Ms WU.