软木是自然界中一类对预处理和酶促水解具有强顽拗性的生物质。这大大限制了其作为纤维素乙醇工业原料的潜力。田霄飞博士在加拿大Western大学Lars Rehmann副教授, Chunbao Charles Xu教授和方真教授的指导下,使用了有机电解液的溶剂体系对的北美白松为代表的软木进行了预处理、水解和乙醇发酵的研究工作。本研究探讨了影响生物质溶解和预处理效力的关键因素。随着有机电解液种离子液体的摩尔比的上升,生物质中的结晶纤维素I结构的结晶度发生了有规律的降低,生物质碎片化和纤丝化程度明显上升,生物质表面木质素成分的分布发生了明显了改变。同时,纤维素,半纤维素和酸不溶型木质素成分的含量没有明显的改变。对预处理后的生物质进行酶促水解,24小时的快速水解率和120小时的最终水解率分别提高了460%和500%。水解液中没有对发酵过程有抑制的产物存在。经过含有离子液体摩尔比为0.9的有机电解液预处理后,乙醇的最终产率达到了11.04克/100克原料。
Xiaofei Tian, Lars Rehmann, Chunbao Charles Xu, and Zhen Fang. Pretreatment of Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobes L.) for Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production by Organic Electrolyte Solutions.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering20164(5), 2822-2829
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00328
Pretreatment of Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobesL.) for Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production by Organic Electrolyte Solutions
Dr Xiaofei Tian, supervised by Dr. Lars Rehmann, Prof. Chunbao Charles Xu and Professor Zhen FANG, developed and applied organic electrolyte solution (OES) in pre-treating of eastern white pine (EWP) that was acting as one of the most recalcitrant woody biomass for a subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol production. The influence of various crucial parameters that govern the dissolution and further pretreatment process were examined. A gradual reduction of the crystallinity of cellulose I, fragmentation and fibrillation, as well as lignin redistribution occurred with an increase of χ[AMIM]Cl(molar portion of [AMIM]Cl) from 0.1 to 0.9; whereas the content of the cellulose, acid insoluble lignin as well as hemicellulose composition did not change. The efficiency of glucose released from EWP through rapid enzymatic hydrolysis (24 h hydrolysis yield) and the final hydrolysis yield (120 h hydrolysis yield) were improved remarkably by up to 460% and 500% after OES pretreatment. No negative effect of OES pretreatment on downstream ethanol fermentation was observed, and the highest ethanol productivity was 11.04 g ethanol/100 g EWP (when χ[AMIM]Cl= 0.9).
More detailed information is available by referring this work as below.
Xiaofei Tian, Lars Rehmann, Chunbao Charles Xu, and Zhen Fang. Pretreatment of Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobes L.) for Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production by Organic Electrolyte Solutions.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering20164(5), 2822-2829
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00328