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芬兰访问Prof. Zhen Fang and Dr. Xu visiting Tampere University in Finland

May 1, 2024

Prof. Zhen Fang and Dr. Xu visiting Tampere University in Finland

As invited by Prof. Chao He via the “Climate Neutrality and Energy Systems Society” (CNESS) platform at Tampere University in Finland, Prof. Zhen Fang and Dr. Lujiang Xu at Nanjing Agricultural University visited Finland on April 23-27, 2024. Prof. Fang and Dr. Xu had extensive discussions with Profs. He and Jukka Konttinen on biomass utilizations particularly in the fields of thermal conversions in both groups and planned to collaborate in research and students training, particularly focused on joint application of Jiangsu/China-Finland projects as well as exchange of graduate students and faculty staff.

Introduction Research in Biomass group at Nanjing Agricultural University

During the visiting, a joint Sino-Finnish CNESS seminar on Biomass Conversion Technology ( /) was held. Prof. Zhen Fang(方真教授)and Dr. Xu gave invited presentations entitled “Hydrothermal Conversion of Waste Materials” and “Production of Value-added Compounds from Biomass and Wastes via Catalytic Pyrolysis Process”, respectively.

Presentation by Prof. Zhen Fang(方真教授)

Presentation by Dr. Xu

Through this visiting, both sides have reached an agreement to jointly apply for Sino-Finish projects granted by both governments and companies to exchange and collaborate in energy area in both countries for carbon-neutral society to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or UN SDGs by 2030. Both sides also agreed to find financial sources for exchanging students and faculty visiting.

This visiting promoted academic exchange and education and stimulated cooperative activities in sustainable development of renewable biomass resources. It also helps to inspire young scientists and students to work together in developing new ways to use biomass and to address many issues in energy and resources all over the world.

Discussion after presentation


应芬兰坦佩雷大学“气候中和能源系统与社会研究CNESS”平台Chao He 教授邀请, 2024423-27日,南京农业大学生物质研究组方真院士和徐禄江老师对坦佩雷大学进行学术访问和交流。访问期间,方真院士和徐禄江老师与坦佩雷大学He教授和Jukka Konttinen教授就双方研究组科研情况以及双方后续合作展开充分交流。

在坦佩雷大学交流期间,同期还举行中芬CNESS 生物质转化技术论坛(,线上和线下会议)方真院士和徐禄江老师分别应邀作“Hydrothermal Conversion of Waste Materials” Production of Value-added Compounds from Biomass and Wastes via Catalytic Pyrolysis Process 学术报告,并与坦佩雷大学师生进行充分学术交流。

Dr. Xu, Profs. Konttinen, Fang and He




Lab tour