2013-12-18通过热化学和生物化学方法将绿色廉价、可再生的生物质原料转化为燃料是解决未来能源困境的重要途径。使用超声波能量实施过程强化,可以在室温条件下破坏顽抗的生物质结构,便利复杂化学组分的分离,将生物质的催化反应由非均相转变为均相或者准均相,从而在本质上改善制约生物质转化效率和选择性的因素。超声波具有特殊的物理特性,可以通过空化作用积累超声能量,然后通过空化气泡在微秒数量级的瞬间崩溃急剧释放能量。释放的...High Yield Production of Sugars from Deproteinated Palm Kernel Cake under Mic...
2013-12-18Climate change together with the increased concern for the energy security has imparted a trend shifting on the use of fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Worldwide attention has been focused on the transforming of agricultural waste into high value-added products. Malaysia, one of the global leading palm oil producers, seeking a next catalyst for sustaining economic growth since the palm...Application of ultrasonic energy in biofuels
2013-12-18The conversion of green, cheap and renewable biomass materials into biofuels through thermochemical and biochemical methods is one of the key route to provide sustainable energy in future. The introduction of ultrasonic energy in biomass conversion could destroy the recalcitrance structure of lignocellulosic biomass at room temperature, facilitate the separation of complicated composition in ra...Two students supervised by Professor Zhen Fang graduated from Biomass group
2013-11-07English Version:On May 21st, 2013, two students supervised by Professor Zhen Fang from Biomass group, Mr. Baojin Xue and Mr. Xiaofei Tian, successfully defended their graduation oral examinations in Kunming Brach of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.The graduation oral examinations was held from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Professor Fang, other staffs and students of ...微波辅助制备生物柴油及副产物甘油水热气化制氢进展
2013-11-07生物柴油作为一种环境友好的可再生能源,近年来受到人们的持续关注和广泛研究,而如何提高生物柴油生产效率一直是研究的热点问题。在生物柴油产业迅速发展的同时,副产物甘油也随之大量产生,如何利用副产物甘油制备高附加值产品氢气已成为新的关注点。氢气可作为清洁能源使用,而且可以用于燃料电池领域,应用前景非常广阔。中国科学院西双版纳植物园生物能源组研究人员以固体硅酸钠为催化剂,在微波辅助技术下用于植物油与甲...Microwave-assisted biodiesel production and hydrothermal gasification of by-p...
2013-11-07Biodiesel, as an environmental-friendly renewable energy, receives continuous attention and is extensively studied. How to improve the efficiency of biodiesel production is a hot research topic. As the biodiesel industry grows rapidly, the discharge of main by-product glycerol increases substantially. Therefore, utilizing by-product glycerol to produce high value-added products has become the n...Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose at the low temperature with weakly magneti...
2013-09-05Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose is a crucial step for effective use of lignocellulosic biomass because glucose can be efficiently refined to various biofuels, chemicals, foods and medicines. Therefore, many studies have been done to hydrolyze cellulose to glucose with enzymes, dilute acids and sub- or super-critical water; however, these methods have many disadvantages such as the high cost ...Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose at the low temperature with weakly magneti...
2013-09-05Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose is a crucial step for effective use of lignocellulosic biomass because glucose can be efficiently refined to various biofuels, chemicals, foods and medicines. Therefore, many studies have been done to hydrolyze cellulose to glucose with enzymes, dilute acids and sub- or super-critical water; however, these methods have many disadvantages such as the high cost ...丹麦交叉多学科纳米科学中心董明东教授与林琳博士参观生物能源组并做学术报告
2013-01-072012年12月31日,丹麦交叉多学科纳米科学中心董明东教授与林琳博士参观我园生物能源组,并给生物能源组成员做了相关的学术报告。12月31日上午,董教授首先报告了利用扫描探针显微及相关技术在纳米尺度上对生物大分子结构特征及生物学作用进行的一系列的研究工作,着重介绍了分子自组装在DNA的结构转变中的应用,原子力显微镜的生物学中的应用、扫描隧道显微镜研究生物大分子自组装、单分子力学谱的测试与分析、发现了海泥具导电...Professor Dong Mingdong and Doctor Lin Lin visit Biomass Group and give lectu...
2013-01-072012.12.31, Prof.Dong Mingdong and Dr. Lin Lin, who come from iNANO, visited Xishuangbanna tropic botanical garden and lectured for biomass group members. In the morning of December 31, Prof.Dong first introduced a series research works of using scanning probe microscopy and related techniques for analysis structure characteristics and biological effects of macromolecular under nanometer scales...Copyright © 2018 BIOMASS GROUP, NANJING AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY All Rights Reserved 登录