Prof. Zhen Fang is listed in “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in energy for...
2016-03-04Recently, Elsevier-Scopus listed Prof. Zhen Fang in “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in energy for 2015 again after 2014.继2014年,方真研究员再次进入2015年“中国高被引学者”能源领域榜单(Elsevier-Scopus).Prof. Zhen Fang (PhDs Eng., McGill; CAU); a researcher in bioenergy; inventor of “fast hydrolysis” process; Editor-in-Chief, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries; Associate Ed...Biomass group was evaluated as the best group for 2015
2016-02-24Biomass group was evaluated as the best group for 2015Recently, Biomass group was evaluated as best group of Key Laboratory of Tropical PlantResources and Sustainable Use of CAS for 2015, and excellent research group of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden for 2015.Congratulations!生物能源组被评为2015年优秀小组最近,生物质组被评为2015年度中国科学院热带植物资源和可持续利用重点实验室的最佳小组...超顺磁酸碱双功能纳米ZrFeOx催化剂的合成及用以生产生物燃料
2016-01-30超顺磁酸碱双功能纳米ZrFeOx催化剂的合成及用以生产生物燃料酸碱双功能纳米颗粒广泛用来合成生物燃料和高附加值的化学品。特别是磁性纳米金属氧化物,活性高可一锅法生产生物燃料,易于回收和重复利用。生物能源组与贵州大学联合培养的博士生李虎在导师杨松教授和方真研究员的指导下,通过溶剂热处理和水解缩合的两步法合成酸碱双功能的超顺磁性纳米颗粒。合成的ZrFeOx纳米颗粒大约为12 nm, 中心为Fe3O4纳米颗粒(作为磁核),其...磁性镍锆纳米氧化物,高效催化生物质合成γ戊内酯(GVL)
2016-01-28磁性镍锆纳米氧化物,高效催化生物质合成γ戊内酯(GVL)γ戊内酯(GVL)已被确定为一种绿色的和可再生的溶剂,用以提高生物质转化和各种有机反应。它可作为液体燃料,香料和食物的添加剂。更重要的是,GVL可以用来合成汽油和柴油燃料(例如,C8-C18烷烃和2-甲基四氢呋喃)和高价值的化学物质(如1,4-戊二醇,甲基戊酸,离子液体和聚合物)。生物能源组与贵州大学联合培养的博士生李虎在导师杨松教授和方真研究员的指导下,用共...New US Patent Issued for ‘Fast Hydrolysis’ of Biomass without Adding Cataly...
2016-01-27New US Patent Issued for ‘Fast Hydrolysis’ of Biomass without Adding CatalystAccording to USPTO Public PAIR, a U.S. patent #: 9243303 has been issued to Zhen Fang (Kunming, CN) for technology that provides a simple and low-cost method to fast dissolve and hydrolyze lignocellulosic biomass with great potential for a novel biorefinery.The patent entitled “Method for the dissolving and rapid hy...“Fast dissolution of cellulose for hydrolysis” was authorized US patent
2016-01-17“Fast dissolution of cellulose for hydrolysis” was authorized US patentRecently, “fast dissolution of cellulose for hydrolysis” invented byProf. Zhen Fangwas authorized US patent (US patent#: 9115215; issue date: 08/25/2015).In the nature, lignocellulosic biomass, such as wood and grass, is roughly consisted of 50% cellulose, 25% hemicellulose, and 20% lignin. Cellulose can be hydrolyzed in...Hydrolysis of Selected Tropical Plant Wastes Catalyzed by a Magnetic Carbonac...
2015-12-28Many biomass residues are produced in china and it is important to volatilize them, such as conversion of them to sugars by hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of lignocelluloses in concentrated and diluted homogenous acids has been practiced for many years, but problems such as corrosion hazards, acid-waste and difficulties in separation are not solved effectively. Various solid materials, such as tran...溶解木质纤维素生物质以促进其水解 陈敬妹
2015-11-19近日,方真研究员应 “生物燃料,生物制品和生物炼制”(他担任该刊顾问编委) 邀请,为该刊关于生物能源技术发展撰写社论。方真研究员建议设计并找到一种新的廉价和绿色的溶剂,在温和的条件下,溶解木质纤维素生物质,在均相的条件下进行生物炼制。全球每年生物质生产量相当于8倍的世界能源消耗。大部分生物质是以木质纤维素的形式存在,含有75%的单糖(例如,木材和草:50%的纤维素和25%半纤维素)。问题的关键是如何释放...A new Springer book “Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources” was p...
2015-11-03Recently, Springer has published a book entitled “Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources” edited by Profs.Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr.,Xinhua Qi, Springer, Hardcover ISBN 978-94-017-7329-4, 368 pages, 2015. ( a clean energy carrier with high energy capacity, hydrogen has the potential to supplement or replace traditional fossil fu...生物能源组参加首届云南生物质能源发展论坛
2015-11-03首届云南生物质能源发展论坛暨云南省能源研究会成立三十周年大会于2015年10月24至25日在云南昆明,西南林业大学召开。来自云南省发展和改革委员会、云南省工业和信息化委员会、云南大学、云南师范大学和中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园等30多个单位的160余位专家、学者及企业界人士出席了会议。本次论坛主题为“云南生物质能源的发展与创新”,云南省能源研究会副理事长/秘书长、材料工程学院郑志锋院长主持了开幕式,中国科学院...Copyright © 2018 BIOMASS GROUP, NANJING AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY All Rights Reserved 登录